
Direct Hire

Hire highly skilled candidates directly through the Instant Teams CX talent marketplace.
We use skills assessments, skills-based matching, and e-interviews to screen and verify

Through our process, you’ll tap into a pool of high-caliber CX professionals, ensuring that only the best fit candidates become integral parts of your team.

Our Roadmap to Success is Simple

iconWe screen candidates
and verify skills.
iconWe build customized
pipelines of matched talent.
iconWe hire and deploy your
new CX talent.

Did You Know?

Our diverse talent pool is largely comprised of U.S. military and veteran spouses, and taps into one of the most underutilized – yet skilled – sectors of the global workforce.

icon 22% of military spouses are unemployed due to challenges with geographic location and frequent moves.
icon 24% of military families face food insecurity due to the high prevalence of single income households.
icon 33% of employed active-duty spouses report that they will be looking for a new job in the next 12 months due to relocation.

Our commitment to the force behind the force

Constant relocations force military spouses to hit the pause button on their careers or reluctantly exit the workforce altogether. Join forces with Instant Teams to empower military-connected families with job opportunities and financial stability.


Be on the forefront

of skilled and remarkable CX teams.


Solve business problems

while driving direct social impact.

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